Mitchell Durham

Explore — Read — Grow

This Bible study journal is available as a hardback on Amazon, or in spiral bound format on the DBSJ website. The website contains complete information as well as links to a free copy of the basic journaling format and several purchase options.

 Amazon - Hardcover

Website - Spiral Bound

Published as an ebook on Amazon. This is the first in a two volume series devotional that covers every chapter of the New Testament in the book order they may have been written. Volume Two is in process.

 Amazon Kindle

A journal for accountability partners to keep track of Bible-based applications, how they are sharing the good news, showing love to others, and living like Jesus in thought, word, and deed.

Website - Spiral Bound

This historical fiction, Christian suspense novel is in three parts. Part One is complete and available to read for free on Wattpad (app or website). Be ready for a ride through the centuries following a codex of the New Testament called the Codex Serapeum.

Wattpad - Online or App

About Mitchell Durham

Mitchell Durham received the MA and PhD from Western Seminary in the integrative psychology/theology program. His doctoral dissertation was Christian focused and explored “Denominational Differences in Supernatural Locus of Control and Spiritual Well-Being.” Prior to this he received an undergraduate degree in Missions from Harding University. Having been licensed as a Clinical Psychologist in Nevada and Arkansas in the past, and North Carolina and South Carolina in the present, he continues to work in clinical settings that are integrated with a Christian worldview. His view of the counseling process can be summed up as an endeavor in discipleship in which the individual is aided in becoming more reflective of the life God intends us to live. This is both a human and God-involved process.

Whether as a Christian or as a Psychologist, Dr Durham has sought to help others develop a truly God-centered life. Exploring how to best go about the human side of this process while acknowledging ultimate reliance on God has been a lifelong endeavor. As part of his work in spiritual formation, he has led Christian small groups for most of the last 40+ years. He has also developed a format for accountability groups of 2-4 people called LifeChange Partners. He has been involved in churches as a lay leader, small group leader, domestic missions leader, elder, church planter, and a small groups pastor. Has has also been able to pass on to the next generation through teaching graduate courses at a Christian university.

He is currently involved in developing a network of home-based churches, Restoration Fellowship Network, in the coastal Carolina region. 

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Blessings to you!

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